Save-the-Date: St. Martin’s Annual Pet Blessing will be Saturday, October 5 at 11am. This is the Saturday date closest to the Feast of St. Francis, who is the patron saint of animals, which is celebrated on October 4. All pets are welcome to bring their owners.
The Finance Committee will soon be creating St. Martin's 2020 Budget. We are asking the following groups and/or committees to submit your financial approval request for 2020: Acolytes Christian Ed Youth (Journey to Adulthood) Music Vestry/Retreat Worship If there is a committee not listed who would like to request a budget for 2020, please let us know that as well. Budget requests are
Many thanks to all who came out to help with the Rectory Cleaning Day on August 25, and to those who donated wish list items! Your help and generosity it greatly appreciated! The rectory is looking better and better! There are still items on the wish list available for sponsors! We would also welcome cash donations for us to purchase larger items. We would like to have an idea of what we will
Choir season will begin here at St. Martin's on Sunday, September 8, with rehearsal beginning at 8:45am in the downstairs choir room, and choir music at the 10am service that morning. A full choir season schedule will be emailed to members. If you are interested in joining the Adult Choir, please contact Jeanne Suski. Looking forward to a fresh season of inspiring music!
We will return to our Fall Worship schedule on Sunday, September 8, as follows: 8am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I 8:45am - Adult Choir Rehearsal 9am - Christian Education 10am - Holy Eucharist Rite II Coffee Hour - Following the 10am service each week Child Care will be available from 7:55am-11am.