Soup for the Soul
The Women’s LIFT Group is pleased to announce the initiation of a new ministry, Soup for the Soul. Starting in February 2021, it is the LIFT Group’s goal to provide our church community members a bowl of homemade soup and bread sometime following a medical procedure, birth of a child, death of a loved one, or at various intervals battling a long term illness. If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact: Kristine Dodge, Sharon Jones, Lisa Hoyt, Melodie McEvoy, or Beth Boron.
Blessing Box
A big thank you to Owen Brockvescio who created this for the Grand Island community as part of his Eagle Scout project!
As our newest community outreach ministry, St. Martin’s Blessing Box is meant to help fight food insecurity in the community. Non-perishable items, toiletries, paper products, and even pet food/supplies are greatly appreciated. Remember, give what you can, take what you need, but above all, be blessed!
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The LIFT group would like to thank everyone for their tremendous generosity once again! This year we collected $725 which went towards the purchase of fresh vegetables for three local food pantries: Community Missions and Niagara Gospel Mission both located in Niagara Falls and First Fruit Pantry located in Buffalo. We purchased 650 pounds of potatoes, 252 butternut squash, 2 bushels of cabbage, and 9 stalks of brussel sprouts. Naturally, the three food pantries were extremely grateful and thankful for our donations as the need is greater this year.
Summer Bonfire Party
“It Only Takes A Spark”
This is a night when our parish family and community friends gather outside on the church grounds for a fun event for all ages which includes free food, games, craft activities, entertainment, glowsticks and of course, a bonfire! Enjoy Tacos-in-a-Bag, homemade pizza, S’mores, and more. YUM…now that’s some good eatin’! The backpacks and school supplies we collect are also blessed that night.
Backpack Blessing
School supplies are collected and backpacks are stuffed for students in our Grand Island elementary schools that are in need. The backpacks are gathered and blessed by our priest in charge.
Toiletry Drive
"St. Martin-in-the-Fields conducted a needs drive for Community Missions of Niaraga Frontier during the month of February and OH WOW, did they provide. Christian Education Assistant, Beth Boron brought over our heist. Thank you for these donations, and your continued blessings."
James 2:14-17
What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
Pet Blessing
All community members and pets are welcome to St. Martin’s annual Pet Blessing in the fall.
During the event we collect pet food donations to be given to Pete’s Pets, a pet food pantry housed in the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Buffalo. The pet blessing lasts about 20-25 minutes.
Ashes to Go
For the past few years, St. Martin’s has offered ‘Ashes to Go,’ allowing commuters to drive up, get ashes and a blessing, and get on their way.
Our circular drive is perfect for the Ashes to Go experience. We still have our traditional Ash Wednesday services inside the church, but Ashes to Go is a way to take church to the people.
Open Baptism
We are committed to the idea that the rite of Baptism ought to be available to anyone who’s interested in it, without qualification. In this way, we show that anyone can become a member of the Body of Christ. All persons, adults and children, who have a desire to be baptized are invited to our Open Baptism service, offered once a year.
Chicken BBQ
St. Martin’s has with great joy hosted an annual chicken barbecue and basket raffle on the parish grounds for the community for well over a decade now. It’s become the place to be on Grand Island on the second Saturday of July. We serve between 800 and 1,000 chicken dinners each year. We have sit-down dining under our tents, with music and activities for children, plus a drive-through food service. We serve dinners to Vets for free that day in gratitude for their service to our nation. While the barbecue is going on, we simultaneously operate a bustling basket raffle, full of surprises and value. Plan to stop in for all of this and more, including meeting the Lottery Sombrero Guy and our Chicken Man.
Diaper Drive
During Epiphany, The Wise Men traveled to give gifts to the Baby Jesus. At this time of year, we, in turn, give gifts of diapers, formula, and other baby items to babies whose families are struggling with domestic violence. These items are donated to The Family Justice Center, which provides free services for domestic violence victims and their children.
Christmas Project
Each year, St. Martin’s works with the Social Workers in the Grand Island elementary schools to identify families that need a little extra Christmas cheer. Members of our congregation share their good fortune by purchasing specific Christmas gifts that the families have identified on their wish list. The day of gift wrapping is an intergenerational event, with all ages working together to help create an extra special Christmas for these families in our community.
Thanksgiving Box
We give thanks that we have been blessed beyond measure as a parish, and as individuals. Each Sunday morning, parishioners have an opportunity to offer thanks to God for something that they are grateful for, or that has affected them in a positive way. The monetary gifts which are gathered as “thanksgivings” are placed into our Thanksgiving Box, and then those weekly gifts of thanksgiving get disbursed out periodically throughout the year to various people and organizations in need, beyond St. Martin’s.