St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York


Fr. Nick is looking for volunteers to assist with worship services including Acolytes, Chalice Bearers, and Readers. No prior requirements are needed, and Fr. Nick is willing to assist with any training for these positions. Please consider joining us in these wonderful Ministries to the Lord. Please contact Fr. Nick Enable JavaScript to view protected content. (716) 773-3335 if you are interested.

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The season of Lent consists of the forty days (excluding Sundays) prior to Easter Day. Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14, also known as Ash Wednesday. Lent is a season of penitence and introspection as Christians prepare for the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus at Easter. There will be two opportunities on Ash Wednesday for Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist. We will be offering

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For this Sunday's Thanksgiving Box, February 4, all donations will go towards the GoFundMe set up for Weston Flora, Pete & Marge Schlau's new grandson. This fundraiser has been created in an attempt to help soften the financial burden the Flora's will be facing in the foreseeable future.

Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 25 where we will be offering one combined worship service at 9am, with the Annual Meeting immediately following. At this time, elections will be held for Vestry members and Junior Warden, we will receive reports, and conduct parish business. All are encouraged to attend. Please submit the following reports to the parish office by Sunday,

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We are selling Super Bowl Squares! Each square is $20 and can be purchased after church services or at *If you purchase on the website, your square will be randomly assigned to you. Payouts are 1st quarter $100, halftime $200, 3rd quarter $100, final score $400. Please see Dave Porter with any questions. Go Bills!

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