St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York


We are fortunate to be partnering with the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation again this holiday season. They need frozen turkeys, and we like collecting them! There is a freezer in the Narthex where they can be placed on Sunday mornings. We will be collecting them until Thursday, December 12. They will be distributed to Grand Island families as part of the Neighbors Foundation Annual Holiday

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LIFT is organizing a Thanksgiving outreach to replenish our Blessing Box (the little food pantry in our circular driveway). Please take a feather or 2 off the turkey, purchase the items listed and bring to church by Thanksgiving. The best part is that your heart will be happy that you helped someone in our community with food insecurity!

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Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 20 at 7pm. We meet in the large classroom in the Undercroft of the church. Please come and join your fellow Episcopal woman for a fun night out.

The November meeting originally scheduled for November 7 is now changed to Wednesday, November 20 at 6pm at Mallwitz Bowling lanes on Grand Island. All Men of St. Martin’s are invited. Hope to see you all there!

Attention all altar guild members. We will be meeting on Sunday, November 17 following the 10:00 am service in the large classroom downstairs to plan for the Advent & Christmas services. We hope to see all of you there. Anyone who is interested is assisting or would like to know more about altar guild and would like to consider joining our amazing team, is welcome to join us! Julie and

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