St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York


The Vestry has decided to suspend Coffee Hour for the time being. More information as to when Coffee Hour will resume will be provided at a later date.

Flower Memorial/Thanksgiving Requests may be made by contacting Chris Chipp. You may also submit your request by: Select an open date on the Flower Calendar: Enter the request and the name of the person requesting the flowers. Notify Chris Chipp of your request. Inform the church secretary: You may put a note in the collection plate (addressed to the “church secretary”), or leave it in

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We are looking for a few good folks to serve on Vestry (a 3-year term) and as Warden (a 2-year term). If you’re interested in more information, or if you think you might be interested in being on the ballot, please contact Amber Root, Sharon Jones, Lynn Clark, or Fr. Nick.

It’s time again to sign up for snow shoveling on Sunday mornings. A sign-up sheet is posted on the side door. Thanks for your help.

The LIFT group is hosting an evening out for dinner and a show! All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. Please feel free to bring a friend! On Sunday, March 13th, we will be going to see Harvey, presented by the Niagara Regional Theatre Guild. As per the theater’s rules, YOU MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED AND HAVE PROOF OF VACCINATION TO ATTEND THE SHOW. The show starts at 3pm and will be

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