St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York


St. Martin’s is proud to announce that we will be supporting Wreaths Across America (WAA) again this year. Please check out our fundraising page below. Not only will your donations go to a great cause, but it will also help support our Capital Drive. Please review instructions below on how to donate. If you would prefer to donate by cash or check, please contact Fr. Nick. Deadline will be

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Join us for fellowship as we resume our Coffee Hour after 8am worship services. It will resume on the first Sunday of every month, starting on November 6.   

A reminder to all who have had military service or family members in the military, we are doing our Veterans Day display at church again this year. Please bring your family member photographs in for the table to be set up on November 6 after church. Photos can be picked up on Sunday, November 13. Thank you!

Just a reminder that St. Martin's accepts electronic giving as an alternative giving method with the "Bill Pay" option through your financial institution.  Bill pay is a convenient service offered by many banks and credit unions. This service allows you to organize all of your recurring payments in one place and pay them automatically. You can also use bill pay to make manual or one-time bill

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We will be observing All Saints’ Sunday on Sunday, November 6, when the Church celebrates the whole communion of saints, both in heaven and on earth. Part of our yearly celebration of this Feast is remembering the names of the faithful departed who are now with the risen Lord Jesus. If you would like to add names to the prayer list, please place those names on the list on the table in the

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