St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York


On Sunday, April 30 at 1pm, there will be a tour of the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Museum Heritage Center. This will be a free event provided by a grant from the Commission to Dismantle Racism and Discrimination.  Anyone interested in attending this event should contact, Kristine Dodge, no later than March 30. All family and friends are welcome!!!

This year’s Chicken BBQ is slated for July 8, 2023. The first meeting of all the chairpersons will be Sunday, March 26 after the 10AM Service. Everyone is welcome to join and offer their services and ideas.

Ladies in Faith Together invite all women of our church community interested in fun, fellowship and community service to attend our next meeting, Wednesday, March 15 at 7pm. Meetings take place the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the large classroom downstairs. All are welcome!

St. Martin’s Adult Lenten Bible Study continues this Wednesday, March 8, at 7pm (in the Nursery) where we will be discussing “No Wonder They Crucified Him”. Please contact Fr. Nick if you have any questions.

Election of our new 2023 Vestry members was completed. Thank you to all who volunteered to run. New Vestry members are: Ellen Valvo - Jr. Warden Joe Childs Carol Northrup Sharon Jones Amy Heist (filling the two year unexpired term of Ellen Valvo) Also, much gratitude to our outgoing Vestry members Irene Ehde, Eric Boron, and our Senior Warden, Mark Korzelius.

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