St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Grand Island, New York


Blue Jean Sunday will be next Sunday, May 15. Wear work clothes to church so that after the 10am service, we can do some much-needed cleaning around the church prior to the Bishop's visit. Any questions, please contact Pete Schlau.

This year our annual chicken BBQ will be Saturday, July 9 from 3PM-7PM. Dinners will cost $14/each and there will be no presale dinner tickets. We are planning to have an “old style” affair with dinners served both for on site and drive thru. We want a full scale basket raffle this year with two preview nights scheduled for July 7 and 8. We will be soliciting basket donations from the

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The Garden of Love needs our help! Our J2A and Rite 13 classes are organizing a donation drive through the month of May. Donations can be placed in the boxes in the Narthex. Items needed are as follows: Toothbrushes (individually packaged), combs (small black kind), any travel sized toiletry items, gently used adult shoes (not dress shoes), and black unisex socks. Please see Jeanne or Joe for

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We are looking to see that we have the names of all those who are graduating from high school or college this spring. Please forward the names of our "Class of 2022" Enable JavaScript to view protected content..