Right after the twelve days of Christmas, we will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6. On this day, we commemorate the visit of the Three Wise Men to worship the baby Jesus. They brought elaborate gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to honor the blessed child. Once again this year, the LIFT group is inviting you to join in a collection of gifts for babies in our community. We will
On Sunday December 17 after the 10 am service, the church will be decorated for Christmas. Please consider giving a hand getting this done. Many hands make light work.
Christmas decorations for the altar and church in general are provided by St. Martin's Altar Guild through your gifts to that fund. By showing your generosity now, our plans can be made, and your intentions known. Forms are available at church, or you may contact Chris Chipp directly. Please note that the deadline for requests is Sunday, December 17.
The next Goodfellows meeting will be held at Mallwitz Island Bowling Lanes on Grand Island on Wednesday, December 13 at 6pm (meeting to begin at 6:30pm). All men ( 21 and older) of St Martin's are welcome!
All the ladies of the Church who are over 21 years of age are invited to attend our annual Christmas Party. The party will take place on Wednesday, December 6 at the Community Room at the Heron Pointe Apartments. The festivities will begin at 7pm. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Hope to see many of you there!