We are selling Super Bowl Squares! Each square is $20 and can be purchased after church services or at shop.stmartinsgi.org. *If you purchase on the website, your square will be randomly assigned to you. Payouts are 1st quarter $100, halftime $200, 3rd quarter $100, final score $400. Please see Dave Porter with any questions. Go Bills!
St. Martin’s 2024 Offering Envelopes are available on the table in the hallway. Please pick up your envelopes for this coming year. If you do not find your labeled envelopes, please contact the Parish Office at Enable JavaScript to view protected content..
Flower Memorial/Thanksgiving Requests for 2024 may be made by contacting Chris Chipp.
We are looking for a few good folks to serve on Vestry (a 3-year term) and as Junior Warden (a 2-year term). If you’re interested in more information, or if you think you might be interested in being on the ballot, please contact Fr. Nick.
On Saturday, January 13 at 9:30am we will undecorate the church. Please consider giving a hand. Thank you.