Message from Father Nick 12/4 re: virtual annual meeting
Dear St. Martin's Family,
COVID has changed many of our normal parish routines and one of those is the Annual Parish Meeting. Like many of our current events this one will also need to be virtual this year. New York Religious Incorporation Law and church canons are very complex on this issue but I have decided on the following plan to hopefully make everything work as best it can.
For voting we will use an online google form which can be found at this link ( The polls will be open for the next two weeks in order to make sure that everyone has a chance to vote and that parishioners who may need to vote by mail or other means are also able to be heard. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time. The polls will close at midnight on 12/19 and results will be tabulated.
A virtual annual meeting will be held on Zoom at 10:00 AM on 12/20 following the digital service. This will allow us to announce the results of the vote and to make the requisite motions and minutes for 2020. The annual report will be distributed by email before this meeting and there will also be paper copies available for pickup at the church or by request. More details, including the zoom info for the meeting, will be following in the week to come.
Thank you all for your flexibility and dedication in continuing our mission despite the limitations and difficulties of our current world.
To the greater glory of God,